Using this website constitutes acceptance of the Disclaimer without limitation. We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice to all specifications, floor plans, designs, ground framework, brochures, any kind of stock or interactive plans, etc. A computer-generated image is an artist's impression indicative of the actual design and is not an exact representation.
We only provide general information on this website. Buniyad takes care to ensure the information or data portrayed on the website content is up-to-date, explicit, and error-free. However, users are advised to verify and research the queries independently before relying on the content completely. It is expressly stated that Buniyad offers no warranty on the information provided on this website, or will be responsible for any loss or damage arising from its use, including lost profits, indirect losses, or damages arising.
Herein, you will find information such as master plans, furniture planning format or layout, floor plans, illustrations, fixtures, amenities, designs, specifications, dimensions, tiles, colors, wall shades, facilities, and rendered views. This information may be changed without notice as required by the appropriate authorities or architect, and cannot be included in the contract or offer made before. The developer takes great care in providing this data but is neither liable nor responsible for any changes/alterations that may occur.
Please note that all pictures and illustrations are just impressions by the artist. It's conceivable that not all of the images were captured there. In addition to the information provided, future phases and amenities may not be included in the delivery timeline of phase one.
There is no offer here, only an invitation to offer. We are providing this booklet/advertisement/website/brochure to show the customers the amenities and facilities extensions that may be included in the project.
Any potential transaction must fully adhere to the terms and conditions of the sales agreement amongst the parties intend to enter in.
For further inquiry about the project please call ------------- or communicate with our authorized Buniyad sales team during business hours.